General Settings

This section allows you to configure how the chart and price change table are displayed on your site. The following options can be configured in this section:

  • Chart Display Options
  • Table Display Options
  • Price Change Info Settings
  • Exclude Categories:
  • Load Assets Settings

Chart Display Options

In this section, you can choose how the price change chart is displayed. There are three options for displaying the chart:

1. Display in Tab

By selecting this option, the price change chart will be displayed in a separate tab on the product page.

Priority of display in tab:  In this section, you can specify the priority in which this tab should be displayed, if there are several tabs on the product page. The lower the number, the higher the priority the tab will be displayed.

Tab Title: In the “Tab Title” field, you can change the title of the price chart tab as desired. By default, the tab title is “Price Chart”.

2. Display via Shortcode

By selecting this option, the price chart will not be displayed on the product page. You can display the chart in any part of your site using the shortcode:

[cxc_wpl_chart id="product_id"].

Replace product_id with the ID of the product you want to display.

Usage in PHP: If you need to use the shortcode in your theme’s PHP files, use the following code:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[cxc_wpl_chart id="product_id"]'); ?>

3. Both Tab and Shortcode

By selecting this option, the price change chart will be displayed both in a separate tab on the product page and can be displayed in other parts of your site. The ShortcodePriority of Display in Tab and Tab Title settings function similarly to the options described above.

Table Display Options

In this section, you can choose how the price changes table is displayed. There are three options for displaying the table:

1. Display in Tab

By selecting this option, the price change table will be displayed in a separate tab on the product page.

Priority of display Table in tab: In this section, you can specify the priority in which this tab should be displayed, if there are several tabs on the product page. The lower the number, the higher the priority the tab will be displayed.

Tab Title for Table: In the “Tab Title for Table” field, you can change the title of the price change table tab as desired. By default, the tab title is “Price Changes Table.”

2. Display Table via Shortcode

By selecting this option, the price change table will not be displayed in a separate tab. You can display the table in any part of your site using the shortcode:

[cxc_price_table id="product_id" limit="10"]

Replace product_id with the ID of the product you want to display.
Display Limit: By default, the number of rows in the price changes table is set to 10. You can change this limit using the limit attribute in the shortcode.

Usage in PHP: If you need to use the shortcode in your theme’s PHP files, use the following code:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[cxc_price_table id="product_id" limit="10" all_product="false" end_date="2024-01-01" start_date="2024-12-31"]'); ?>

In this code, you can use the all_product, end_date, and start_date parameters to display more detailed information.

3. Both Tab and Shortcode

By selecting this option, the price change table will be displayed both in a separate tab on the product page and can be displayed in other parts of your site using the shortcode. The ShortcodePriority of Display in Tab and Tab Title settings function similarly to the options described above.

Price Change Info Setting

In this section, you can configure how price change information is displayed:

  • Display Price Change Info: Enable this option to display price change information next to the product price.
  • Hide Price Change Values: Enable this option to hide the price change text, only showing the change indicator.

Exclude Categories:

In this section, you can select categories that should be excluded from displaying the price chart. This option helps you limit the chart display for specific products.

Load Assets Settings

Load Assets Sitewide: Enable this option to load the necessary files for displaying the chart and price change table on all pages of your site.

Note: By default, assets are only loaded on the product page. Enabling this option may increase the loading size of pages.