Display Price Chart


This shortcode is used to display the price chart of simple and variable products. When using this shortcode, priority is given to the settings that are first made on the product page, then the shortcode parameters, and finally the plugin settings. This shortcode has the following parameters:

'id'            => '', // Product ID (required).

'toolbox'       => '', // Show or hide the toolbox.

'legend'        => '', // Show or hide the chart legend.

'type'          => '', // Chart type (line, step).

'area'          => '', // Show or hide area fill (true or false).

'smooth'        => '', // Enable or disable line smoothing (true or false).

'point_regular' => '', // Show or hide data points on the regular price line (true or false).

'avg_regular'   => '', // Show or hide the average line on the regular price (true or false).

'point_sale'    => '', // Show or hide data points on the sale price line (true or false).

'avg_sale'      => '', // Show or hide the average line on the sale price (true or false).

'symbol_size'   => '', // Size of data point symbols (for example: 130,20).

'regular_color' => '', // Color of the regular price line (for example: #1e73be).

'sale_color'    => '', // Color of the sale price line (for example: #81d742).

'chart_height'  => '', // Chart height (for example: 400px).

'direction'     => '', // Chart direction (rtl, ltr).

'buttons'       => '', // Show or hide time range buttons (true or false).

'grid'          => '', // Show or hide grid lines (true or false).

'saleprice'     => '', // Show or hide the sale price line (true or false).

'xaxislabel'    => '', // Show or hide X-axis labels (true or false).

'yaxislabel'    => '', // Show or hide Y-axis labels (true or false).

'datazoom'      => '', // Enable or disable data zoom (true or false).

'timeperiod'    => '', // Time period (2weeks, 1month, 3months, 6months, 1year, all)


[cxc_wpl_chart id="220" timeperiod="all" type="step" ]